FIAT Fed Dollars to GOLD Backed QFS Notes ? 🤔

11 months ago

I was just at My local Sprouts Grocery Store in Fountain Valley Ca earlier this Afternoon when at the self checkout counter , I noticed the Cash Acceptance Slot changed to “NOTES” . A lot of Truthers have Noticed this and shared it all over S.M. Because They know as I know , We are in the Process of going to the New Gold Backed QFS(Quantum Financial System) aka NESARA/GESARA . What are Your Thoughts and Opinions on this matter ? Please feel free to comment below. And , Please don’t forget to like , share , and follow . I really appreciate it . And, Please feel free to donate to help Me get more Great Content out there to You Guys so I can eventually do this Full Time. Cash App:$OnThePrecipice17 and Venmo:Cory-Panico-1 . Thank-You So Much in Advance. I really appreciate it. 🇺🇸 🐸 ⚔️ 😎 🙏 #TheBestIsYetToCome

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