Hanged man Lovers Energy Vlog

1 year ago

Hanged Man Lovers Energy Vlog Title stem form the date October 22, 2023 giving us 39 or #12 the Hanged Man card Halt of action a change of perspective a self sacrifice. The lovers card is from the Schumann Frequency average.

The schumann Resonance Today disclosure site showed us two amplitudes the first was a power of 7 at 2:00 AM UTC, Thus we can say the High priestess take charge of her chariot and swiftly moves toward Judgement. the second amplitude power was 20 at 2:45 AM UTC, thus Justice brings a Judgement to the Hermit. The quality power was 7.20, thus we have #9 the Hermit card, a retreat from society to go within for inner wisdom. The frequency average was 7.89 hertz, thus we have 24 or #6 The Lovers card a harmonious partnership the inspiration of the muse. Therefore, lwe have the Hanged Man with a change of perspective as the Chariot swiftly moves toward the Hermit with his inner wisdom for the lovers.
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