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The demonization of anyone calling themselves Oath Keepers started early in the Obama Administration when Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano at the suggestion of The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) put together her official list of domestic extremist groups including Ron Paul supporters, people identified as constitutionists, OathKeepers and virtually all others believing that government was meant to serve the people, not the other way around.

Guest: Elias Alias ~ Founding member Oath Keepers Board of directors (6 years) and Oath Keepers national website editor in chief (7 years); Resigned Oath Keepers 2016.

Guest: Bobby Kinch ~ The founder and president of the newly reorganized Oath Keepers USA.  https://usaoathkeepers.com.  This group is recently incorporated and has a Board of Directors.  Their structure is a bit modified from Stewart Rhodes' organizational structure and will be operated with much more transparency and will work with the former OathKeepers State and National Membership to reconstitute a holographic organization with fidelity to our US Constitution and the republic for which it stands.

Guest: Michael (Mike) Nichols is an Army veteran, volunteer firefighter, retired police Sergeant ~ Investigating and documenting the true events of January 6th 2021, helping investigative journalists, the J6 political prisoners, and Americans alike discover the truth.

Guest: David Sumrall ~ Created StopHate in 1992.  David has been identifying and documenting the facts behind the Capitol Rally.  His documentary movies are being widely viewed despite efforts to ban and censor it by big media and social media.  Support J6 Political Prisoners and their Families - buy this book https://www.americangulagchronicles.com/

The message of the Oath Keepers organization was always one of fidelity to our sovereign nation the US Constitution and the oath to “protect and defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic”.

This is the same oath that members of our military, police, state and federal elected officials are required to take prior to serving or holding public office.

Pretty simple idea really; too bad that the Marxists within academia, mainstream media and the Deep State government want to destroy any adherents to that basic and patriotic standard.

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