Inside the Freemasons: Review By Former Mason, Sky TV Series (2017)

1 year ago

''Inside The Freemasons' review 1/2 by former Mason, Sky TV series April May 2017

Former Freemason Ian Mattison reviews Sky1 series 'examining' or is it 'advertising' the Masons?
Former Freemason Ian Mattison joins us for a special programme today looking at a series airing on Sky TV this month called 'Inside The Freemasons'. This is a critical review because the series is advertised as a genuine attempt to probe the secrets of the Masons but, according to Ian, does nothing of the sort. Much of the information presented is not genuine, showing, for exampe, a fast progression for new members through the craft which is a deceprion and seems designed to give false hopes to new members of how quickly they may be able to progress through the 'degrees' of initiation. These initiation rites, too, are 'censored' with the most frightening parts not shown in the series, presumably because Sky viewers may think twice about being subjected to those initiation rites which include repeated threats of death of the candidate and his voluntary submission, or agreement his being murdered. All-in-all The Craft is whitewashed an far from being an investigation into Freemasonry, it is a crude advertisement for the Masonic brotherhood.

Public Enquiry Channel

Freemasonry Watch


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