Francis Nightmare

1 year ago

Pope Francis has been a nightmare on nearly every front for the Catholic Church, and thus the world. There are many questions on how he was elected to the Chair of Peter. Have little doubt that disgraced former Cardinal, McCarrick was a major force behind getting Francis. Elected. It seems that there was campaigning for Jorge Bergoglio, something that is strictly prohibited in the Catholic Church, punishable by excommunication. But who is going prosecute, Pope Francis?
The current Synod on Synodality is noting short of heretical. It's largely about changing Catholic Teaching on sexual morality. There is a big push to bless so-called same-sex unions, thus approving sodomy.
Francis hates the Latin Mass and has been trying to squash it. The Latin Mass is beautiful and sacred, with many wonderful families in the congregation that often fill the churches. The kind of Catholics that Francis calls "rigid." Francis seems to have no ability to recognize what is good. and beautiful.
Francis brought the pagan pachamamas into St. Peters Basilica and onto Vatican grounds. Such evil that Francis greatly supported. What was his motivation? A virulently anti-Catholic act. What is he really up to?
So many of his appointments have been disasters, including Cardinals, including the five disastrous U.S. Cardinals.
Francis has uses ambiguity to his advantage. Keep them confused and anything can be pushed through, seems to be his motto.
Francis is obsessed with the nonproblem of "climate change," but is not bothered by the many problems in the Catholic Church, many that he has created.
So many more ways that Francis has harmed the Catholic Church. Prayers that Francis converts to the Catholic Faith. It's always good to have a Catholic pope.

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