RT News - October 22nd 2023 - The Weekly

11 months ago

4,385 have died in Palestine and 13,500 have been wounded, in Israel 1,400 have died since the start of the conflict

There are some disturbing images in the video.

Overnight Israel bombed the Al-Ansar mosque near to the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank. Israel used an F-16 to deliver the bombs. Unconfirmed reports say one civilian and two Red Crescent workers were killed and several injured. The civilian can't be identified yet. Hamza Chalan reports. The humanitarian situation is desperate with shortages of everything, food, water and medicines and power. The situation remains dangerous and precarious.

Bombing continued overnight across the Gaza strip with homes and infrastructure taken out and roads destroyed. A market in Gaza was also bombed causing deaths and woundings. A witness reports and saying it was "carpet bombing" and entire streets have been destroyed.

Hospitals are under increasing pressure.

IDF has posted unconfirmed footage of failed HAMAS rocket launches and has blamed them for civilian damage.

Meanwhile citizens bury their dead from both Israel and Palestine.

Humanitarian aid to Gaza has started, just 20 trucks. It isn't enough. Some 3,000 trucks remain at the border waiting for clearance.

Rami Almeghari reports from Khan Yunis on the refugee camps where displaced citizens now spend their lives waiting. Earlier this week IDF bombed the city killing 40 instantly and injuring hundreds more. Khan Yunis is an evacuee receiving city (and was once really lovely)

IDF reports it has carried out an attack on a compound on the border with Lebanon. Yasin Eken reports and says the range and the scope of the attacks are increasing; Hezbollah methods/tactics cause concern for civilians in the area. 14 towns are being evacuated by Israel.

USA vetoed a peace proposal on a technicality this week, it failed to specifically mention Israel's right to defend itself. Donald Courter talks about US foreign policy.

Pres. Putin says that the conflict is a disaster and says dialogue is the only way forward. The conflict must end immediately and a real two state solution must be adopted. (there is in fact a UN resolution covering this formally since 2016, it's resolution 2334 which western parties have ignored and so has Israel) please see * below

Finally something good - Saskia Taylor reports on China's "Belt and Road" (imagine if the money spent on wars during the past 2 years or so had been spent by the western governments developing their own "Belt and Road" initiatives ! I know that given a choice, we citizens would have opted for that and at least a half million lives lost, would still be on this Earth)

UN Resolution 2334 5 years on (now 7 years on) https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2021/12/five-years-after-unsc-resolution-2334-international-accountability-end#:~:text=Resolution%202334%2C%20adopted%20by%20the,%C3%83%C2%A2%C2%80%C2%9Cimmediately%20and%20completely%20cease.%22

The situation in the middle east - via UNSC (2 hour video) https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1g/k1gb81yoea

All ignored
"Israel’s Settlements Have No Legal Validity, Constitute Flagrant Violation of International Law, Security Council Reaffirms" via United Nations Security Council, December 2016

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