Chapter 104 | Commentary in English of Surah Al Humazah | The Backbiter |@islamichistory813

11 months ago

@islamichistory813 #surahalhumazah #tafseer #commentary #english

Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will talk about..Chapter 104 Commentary and Virtues of Surah Al Humazah
Major lesson of Surah Al Humazah, The main statement in this surah is the Consequences of man in loss. It condemns those who slander others, whether by speech or action, and imagine that their own wealth will keep them immune from death, and describes the doom of Hell which awaits them.ys
Allah almighty says: It is bad for him who accuses people, who does evil behind their backs. These verses were revealed about the disbelievers who were the companions of the two scholars, may God bless him and grant him peace, and you. They objected to them and backbited those gentlemen, such as Akhnas b. Shureeq, Umayyah bin Khalaf and Waleed bin Mughirah etc. and the order mentioned in this verse is common to every backbiter.
At another place, Allah Almighty said: in Surah Hujrat ayat No 12: O believers! Beware of too much conjecture, verily any conjecture becomes a sin, and be careful (of hidden things) and do not backbite one another. Fear indeed, Allah is Oft-Repentant, Most Merciful.
And on the authority of Hazrat Anas bin Malik,(Abu Dawood Hadith No 4878) the Holy Prophet PBUH, said: “On the night of the Ascension, I passed by a people who were scratching their faces. and breasts with copper nails. . I asked: O Gabriel! who are these people? He said: They used to eat people's flesh (i.e. backbite) and defame them.
On the authority of Hazrat Rashid bin Saad, the Messenger of Allah PBUH, said: On the night of the Ascension, he passed by men. which were hanging with their breasts,I asked Jabarel AS: who are these people? He said: These are the ones who put faults on the face and the ones who backtrack, and about them Allah the Exalted said: "Wail for that which is on the faces of the
people. Back to back evil
May Allah Ta'ala grant us the ability to avoid evil deeds like backbiting and backbiting, Ameen. Allah says: Whoever adds wealth and counts it.} From this, it is known that adding wealth and keeping it count is one of the reasons for people to make mistakes on their faces and to do bad things behind their backs, our society. There are a number of wealthy people who are suffering from this disease, may Allah guide them.
Illicit cases of hoarding and hoarding: It should be remembered that accumulating wealth and hoarding it is bad in a few cases, (1) Accumulating wealth through forbidden means. (2) Shari'a rights should not be paid from the accumulated wealth. (3) To become so busy in accumulating wealth that one forgets Allah Almighty. (4) Instead of relying on Allah Almighty, only wealth should be considered as a means of removing calamities.
Allah says in this surah ayat 3-9: He thinks that his wealth will sustain him (in this world) forever. Not at all, it will definitely be thrown into the dustbin. And what do you know that she is the one who destroys the sawdust? It is the fire kindled by Allah. The one that will climb on the hearts. Surely it will be closed to them. In long pillars.

This s?ra is about those whose sole perspective of life is gaining wealth and hoarding it. Imam al-S?diq 'alayhims-sal?m has said: Whoever recites al-Humaza in the obligatory prayers, poverty will be far from him, sustenance will be close to him and evil death will be averted from him.
May Allah keep us far away from all bad things Ameen
Allah hafiz

#islamic historyinurdu

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