CitizenCon 2953 - Day Two! Start your Engines!

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Join us as we will be rebroadcasting, commentating and reacting to the latest and greatest from CitizenCon 2953. CitizenCon is the yearly convention for Star Citizen developed by Cloud Imperium Games. It is a time when the development team hosts panels to show us everything under the hood and what we can expect from future updates.

We're joined by the following hosts. Please also support their channels by giving them a follow!

Citizen Battle -
Delnorin Games -
Father Russell -
VanWhiskey -

At 2pm PST during the lunch breaks we will be doing giveaways for active participants in chat!

If you're interested in Star Citizen you can use referral code STAR-D6TW-FVPH to gain additional credits in-game. There is also currently a promo where you can get a vehicle in-game.

Strap in and enjoy the show!

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