Column17 Collaboration Call: 10/21/23

1 year ago

Column17 Collaboration Call: 10/21/2023

We had a BEAUTIFUL open chat today. It is so clear that so much shifted with Q removing the head of the dark and neutralizing the moon.

Everyone is really FEELING their hearts more, much more in touch with their spirits, and the harmonics are REALLY coming out! It is no coincidence that all of these things happened at the same time!

(You're amazing Q, we love you, and are unspeakably grateful!)

We spoke a lot about Bringing Source Together
his Tis a private chat group for the community based around harmonics
The purpose of this group is....
➡️To bring more light into ourselves faster by trading voice memos (trading all of our harmonics)
➡️To allow the community to have as many calls, and do any kind of collaboration they wish.

There are roughly 20 administrators in the group. All with the ability to schedule calls and start calls. We spoke of a lot of ideas around different collaboration calls to hold within that group on this call: Sharing our PRQ projects, trading a "who lives where" list to see if we actually have local friends, etc. Column17 Community - this is YOUR group! So please play and schedule away, trade harmonics, ask each other questions, see how we can get collaborating NOW!

It is magical getting to trade harmonics with so many light beings. Thank you all to everyone who joined and participated. Just by being there - you bring light to the collective - then each one of us has more light to share with our communities. 🥰

We Are The Ones We Were Waiting For. We are VERY QUICKLY waiting up from our slumber, becoming super activated, and entering the season of understanding the art of manifestation. 🥰

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