Final Fight AE Mad Gear's City Hack - WTH was that?, ファイナルファイト

1 year ago

Final Fight AE Mad Gear's City (ffightaemgc) - ファイナルファイト

I was playing Final Fight AE Mad Gear's City Hack recently with a friend from South Korea, and then this insanity happened. I had more than one lifebar, as you guys can see, and it didn't matter at all, a molotov El Gado one tapped me to death, seriously, WHAT THE HECK? First of all, these enemies shouldn't attack like that, if you take a hit from them, it already doesn't make any sense, second WHY ALL MY HP DUDE, hahahahahahahahahah.
At first I was so confused, but after some time I laughed a lot from that, because it is actually very funny, I have never seen anything like that before in this hack, but I guess this hack is meant to be hard, so be ready for every kind of crap the game throws at you.

Player 1: Socoolgameplay (Cody)
Player 2: me (Guy, the bug victim)

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