Bioshock Infinite Comparison (PC vs Xbox 360 vs PS3) -No Commentary-

1 year ago

I made this months ago, but didn't think it was good enough to upload. Partially because I should have just partitioned the screen to have all three play at once instead of switching between them, and because the PC version being the giga-Chad version of the game pulls so far ahead of the other versions, it's hard to see the comparison. I just wanted to throw the PC version in there for fun, but it didn't turn out the best. I should have just kept it 360 vs PS3. I don't own newer console versions of the game, but I don't feel the need to either seeing as I already own it three times over.

I decided to upload this video because I did take the time to makeit. I'm still experimenting with better processes for comparisons. I make these comparison video mostly out of my own curiosity, and for the fun of it.

#bioshockinfinite #pcgaming #xbox360 #ps3

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