ASMR Fast Cranial Nerve Exam Roleplay | GOLDEN ASMR

1 year ago

ASMR Tapping Box, Table, Bottle, spoon, Sewing Brush, Mobile, asmr mouth sounds, GOLDEN ASMR.
I am Tapping and enjoying Sounds made by myself from Box, Table, Bottle, spoon, Shewing Brush, Mobile. Also, like mini Cranial Nerves and asmr mouth sounds
To watch me ASMR Tapping Sound for Good Sleep click here
I am from the Indian, I make Tapping Asmr Sounds hit all your triggers making you relax. You will hear me whispering with my Tapping & making ASMR mouth sounds for you to enjoy. My videos are made in a GOLDEN ASMR.
Very Exciting and Clickable Tapping ASMR to Good Sleep with Minimum Sound | Golden ASMR

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