The Secret to Unlocking God's Grace in Your Life | A sermon by Apostle John Eckhardt

1 year ago

Apostle John Eckhardt preaches on receiving grace to be built up spiritually and walk in the full inheritance God has for you.

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Write this verse down - Acts 20:32. The words of Paul to the Ephesian elders: “I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”

I'm sure many of you have heard a message on the grace of God. We have the amazing grace song that most people have heard - that we are saved by grace. And grace is very important.

Some define grace as God's ability that He gives you to do certain things that you could not do in your own strength. But I want to give another aspect of the grace of God in two areas:

The word of His grace which is able to give you an inheritance
I'm going to talk about being built up or strengthened by grace. And I'm going to talk about walking in your full inheritance by grace.

My vision and purpose is to get people focused again on the grace of God. Sometimes if you're not careful you'll take your eyes off of grace.

There are different levels of grace. Some people have grace to do certain things that others cannot do. When you're graced to do something, it makes what is impossible possible for you.

Yes, God's grace is God's strength, God's ability, God's gifting, God's anointing. Grace is when God gives you what you need to accomplish extraordinary things.

Grace is so important because grace smashes pride. In other words, you're not depending on your ability, you're depending on God's ability.

I have a grace to write. I can just write. I’ve written over 50 books. And people say, well how can you write so many books? It’s just a grace. It’s just an ability. It’s not something I had to learn how to do, it’s just a gift, it’s a grace.

Some of you have different graces in different areas - some of you have grace for business, finances, making money, generating prosperity. It's not difficult, it doesn't mean you won't have challenges, but you have grace for it.

The Lord said, “Tell my people any area of their life where they need to be built up, I have grace for that.” Any area you're weak, there's a grace to build you up and make you strong.

Any area - even morality and sin - when you're weak, pray for grace and strength. I do that all the time. When I feel weak, I say, “Lord, I need your grace. I need your strength.”

So if there's moral weakness, temper issues, emotional issues, financial issues, relational issues, ministry issues - whatever it is - there's grace you can have in abundance. Grace to increase, grace multiplied. Ask for grace anytime you feel weak in your life.

The older you get, the more grace you can receive from God. So the things that used to trouble you don't trouble you anymore. The grace of God is able to build you up and make you strong. And nobody knows what you’re going through. You’ve been praising God and no one knows what you’re going through. You’ll be worshiping, you still have your joy, your victory, because of grace.

Grace gives you power to overcome the attacks of hell. And instead of you being beat down, you go up higher. What took other people out doesn’t take you out. Why? The grace of God.

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