Apostle John Eckhardt - Wisdom Flows from God: Reflections on Life and Marriage

11 months ago

Apostle John Eckhardt reflects on gaining wisdom in life and marriage based on Proverbs 19:14.

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I kind of connect that with Proverbs 13:22, "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." I was sharing how it's God's will to leave an inheritance. I believe when you're wealthy, rich, you're able to leave an inheritance to not only your children but your children's children. Proverbs 19:14 says "House and riches are the inheritance of fathers." You can get house and riches from fathers, from family. A father can leave you house and riches.

But then the second part says "a prudent wife is from the Lord." That's how plain it is now that I see it, but I was trying to figure out, what's the connection between house and riches and a prudent wife? Sometimes in Proverbs there's a contrast, called parallelism, where you see two different thoughts. They can be opposing thoughts, contrasting the righteous and the wicked.

This verse says "House and riches are the inheritance of fathers," which means you can receive house and riches from fathers, people, family. A father can leave you house and riches. But the emphasis is a prudent wife comes from the Lord - in other words, men can't give you a prudent wife, but the Lord can.

Men can leave you house and riches, but it takes God to give you a prudent wife. Now a prudent, wise wife is a blessing to any man, a wise helper, originally God gave Adam Eve to help him, assist him. So having someone wise alongside you as a husband, you have help, you have wisdom.

Wisdom can come through the fear of the Lord, the Word of God, being taught, Christ, the Spirit of God, prayer, parents, impartation, and correction. But wisdom can also come through a wife. A prudent wife is from the Lord - that's another avenue through which wisdom can flow, and it's powerful because you have a companion, partner that you live with. As a man I've been blessed with a prudent wife now for 44 years, a very wise woman whose wisdom amazes me sometimes. If not the wisest, just very sensible, stable, wise. As a matter of fact, she'll tell me "Honey, that's just stupid, don't do that, it's not wise, it's stupid." Very sensible, and it's really helped me in my life. I believe part of my being blessed is because God gave me a prudent wife. It was the blessing and favor of God upon my life.

Now I know some of you aren't married, and I'm not here to make you feel bad, but I'm telling men if you want a prudent wife, pray and ask God for one. Men can leave you house and riches, but only God can give you a prudent wife. It doesn't come from the flesh, it comes from the Spirit of God. It's the gift of God, the grace of God, God's ability.

Many women are prudent, and as you're believing God for a husband, He can give you to a husband, and he'll be blessed by your wisdom and what God has given you. You'll be a blessing to someone, and of course he should also be a blessing to you as well. Men should operate in wisdom too.

We know the Scripture that says "He who finds a wife finds a good thing and attains favor from the Lord" (Proverbs 18:22). So favor comes when a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing. This verse says God is the one who gives a wise wife, a prudent wife, a sensible wife - that's a blessing, a wise helper.

When you read Proverbs 31 about the virtuous woman, the eshet chayil, it talks about how she's prudent, wise. Of course that does so much for an individual, to have a wise wife means you have a wise helper. Wisdom can come through the fear of the Lord, the Word of God, being taught, Christ, the Spirit of God, prayer, parents, impartation, correction, and wives. Wives can help, assist, give counsel, wisdom - that's another avenue through which wisdom can flow, and it's powerful.

I was hearing this song "Beauty is Only Skin Deep" - it's not about beauty, it's about the heart. I'm not saying you should marry someone who's not beautiful, but beauty is not everything, you need wisdom. You can marry beauty but if they don't have wisdom, the Scripture says a beautiful woman without wisdom is like a pig with an earring in their snout - not a good picture! I love Proverbs, it really brings out life and how to live a good life. Don't make your life hard through bad decisions, make good decisions.

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