Biden Administration is Helter-Skelter with WWIII Looming!

1 year ago

The American People are thirsty and anxious to become great again! President Biden’s speech last night was a disgrace. He was not focused on war pending in Israel. He chose to link the war in Ukraine, neutralizing the different and immediate concerns in Israel. Weakness was seen when he abruptly pulled out of Afghanistan. Today, Arab leaders choose not to meet with Biden over the pending Israeli war in the Gaza Strip. His reversals on several mid-eastern policies have negatively impacted his credibility and confidence in last night’s speech. His linking of two world conflicts, Ukraine and Israel, is an ‘apples & oranges’ comparison. TODAY, 32 DEAD AMERICANS in Israel! Where is our American retaliation!? Israel never paid JB and his ‘crime family’ the way Ukraine did. Both will now praise Biden because they need/want money from US! His disjointed speech never addressed the Americans killed in Israel and the American hostages that remain. Separately, two American reporters have been arrested by Putin, but no known hostages in Israel. No strength, no focus, no direction, no budget, no southern border, and NO SPEAKER! America FIRST!

Episode 119: Biden Administration is Helter-Skelter with WWIII Looming!
Originally Aired on WMXI Radio on Friday, October 20, 2023
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