Why Restoring Israel Contradicts Scripture | Historic Adventism

1 year ago

A Literal Historicist Biblical perspective on why restoring Israel contradicts scripture. Diving into an 1888 Bible study on "The Return of the Jews," we unpack the dangers of age-to-come theology and its false doctrines around Israel.

Shockingly, our pioneers reveal that any "restoration" of the Jews to Israel constitutes spiritualism, as it directly contradicts Scripture. Jeremiah's prophecy of the broken bottle proves that Israel can never be restored. Any seeming fulfillment of promises to unbelieving Jews violates God's impartial justice.

Furthermore, the gathering of Jews to Israel happens through the influence of unclean spirits. The riches of the nations are gathered to this false Zion. But Scripture warns that Christ will come to destroy those partaking in this deception.

World War 1 and the dissolving of the Ottoman Empire enabled this dangerous spiritualistic movement, led by rich banking dynasties who worship Satan. This provides a startling sign that Christ's coming is imminent. Only by clinging to the sure prophetic Word can we escape this vast deception. Let us wake up before probation closes!

0:00 - Introduction & prayer

2:11 - God's Way is Equal for All People

4:00 - Importance of Language & Elementary Truths

5:08 - Cognitive Dissonance Prevents Unity of Faith

6:49 - Principles Must Be Consistently Applied

8:26 - True Freedom of Conscience

10:20 - God Requires Unity of Faith on Plain Truths

12:09 - Defining Terms to Resolve Controversies

13:23 - Daniel 11:45 - A Literal Fulfillment

14:38 - Plural "Tabernacles" Requires Multiplicity

16:24 - Embassy Fulfillment Not Possible

17:37 - Principles Forbid Future Fulfillments

18:45 - Miller's Rule #13 Explained

23:15 - Unbelieving Jews No Better Than Gentiles

26:07 - The New Covenant Commonwealth

30:06 - Restoring Jews Violates God's Impartiality

35:32 - Ottomans Planting Tabernacles Between Seas

39:00 - Gathering to Israel Influenced by Evil Spirits

44:10 - Christ Will Destroy Those Deceived on Israel

47:14 - Jeremiah's Prophecy - Israel Cannot Be Restored

"Those who are engaged in proclaiming the third angel’s message are
searching the Scriptures upon the same plan that Father Miller adopted."
Review and Herald, November 25, 1884 P.23
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