Whites consider Jews Whites. Most Jews want to target Whites out of their Way of LIfe.

1 year ago

The Jewish Banker & Lawyer Cult will steal property from Blacks when property values rise & take property away from Whites when values plummet. Jewish takeover the top spots for education & opportunities shutting out others w/ their racism against others ... Most Whites consider Jews to be White just like them. Ask someone who looks White but who is actually Jewish, LBGTQ+, or other & then listen ... My DHS Whistle Blower Friend said that ADL Mossad Rothschild Opium Cartel whacked Kennedy & then used the Taxes for what was to be the Moon Landing for Israel to have Flood & Fire Satellite Weather Weapons to rule the Financial World. They achieved this by the Jewish Gay Mafia infiltrating the start of the American College Fraternity System first at the William & Mary College in 1776. More info: https://gab.com/SvenVonErick/posts/110464732793459310


Ask me about #WBNemesis maybe it can make the US Dollar, American Again.

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