INL Does Ground Breaking Experiment

1 year ago

Advanced nuclear reactors are promising new technologies that could provide clean and reliable energy for the future. One type of advanced reactor that is gaining attention is the molten salt reactor (MSR). MSRs use molten salt as coolant and fuel, which gives them a number of advantages over traditional light water reactors.

Researchers at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) are working to advance MSR technology. They have recently conducted the first experiment to irradiate a molten chloride salt fueled with enriched uranium.

This experiment is an important step in understanding how MSRs would perform under the intense radiation and high temperatures of a commercial reactor core. The experiment will provide researchers with valuable data that can be used to design and build better MSRs.

If you want to learn more and or hear about the other things going on around Idaho. Go check out the full-length podcast 😉.

#MoltenSaltReactors #NuclearEnergy #CleanEnergy #IdahoNationalLaboratory #AdvancedReactors #Idaho #nuclear #Power

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