Ball pythons basic knowledge as a pet

1 year ago

Are you tired of watching America and the rest of the World fall to pieces? Are you tired of fake news and being lied to? I mean they do it straight to your face. Wake up not woke. Stop letting the elites make the people fight each other through: social class, race, religion, and other propaganda. Just stop. There are 350 million people in America. Do you think if just 1 percent (3.5 million) people come together and take a stand we could make a difference? Then let us! I will show my face and say what others are afraid to say.
Back me or hate me it is okay. I still will not hate you back. We can have an adult mature conversation without YOU throwing words like, "racist, BLANK-A-phobe", into the mix because you are losing and have nothing else to say.
Thanks for being mature, otherwise, I will twist what you call the matrix to "fix" you.
This channel is for the people with education and brains.

Thanks and let the discussion begin.

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