Miracle Baby Cooper

1 year ago

Update On Miracle Baby Cooper....
Cooper is now 40 days old and has come along way from he was born, he's continuing to do well, he is now on breathing on his own with very little oxygen and managing great.. he had a set back last week with an infection but is now back on track and back to himself, he is now 50g off 3lb 😊 he got moved out of Intensive Care and into High Dependency💪we did not expect this milestone soo soon🥰 his kidneys remain stable and his creatine levels are continuing to decrease. The highest being 398 and now they are 239..this is all positive and the more they decrease or stay stable it means he doesn't need dialysis just yet and we can continue to get the weight on him that he needs to be to to have dialysis if and when he needs it. Doctors are shocked on how well he's doing considering there was no hope for him in his 1st week or 2 of life and all the nurses are all mad about him and say he's the best behaved boy all thanks to Matthew an Gracie's help Cooper is beating the odds soo far and hopefully continues to do well on this Kidney Journey 🙏💙 we can't thank thank you both enough for all your help and continued support, always checking in on Coopers progress and keeping him in their prayers 🙏🥰
Thankyou both soo much 💗 a baby with no kidney issues creatine should be between 80 -100 so the fact that they are dropping is really positive 💪🙏 they told us at the beginning they would probably slightly drop and stabilise but we weren't expecting a drop of 159 in a matter of a few weeks ..just amazing 💙
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