Woman Removed From Southwest Flight Because Of Deathly Dog Allergy

7 years ago

As the plane was getting ready to fly off from BWI Marshal Airport to LA, a woman was forcibely removed from flight citing she has deadly allergic reaction to dogs. Southwest Airlines is apologizing for the incident involving a woman on board who was shortly after removed.

Namely, everything started when this woman said she has life-threatening allergies to animals and demanded the two dogs on board to be removed from that flight.

This was the scene on board on Southwest airlines flight headed to Los Angeles from Baltimore on Tuesday. The situation was caught on camera by passenger Bill Dumas.

The woman told police she was deathly allergic to dogs, and two were on board that day. She was refusing to leave the plane and forced officers to physically escort her off the plane. Dumas told that the woman told police officers that the passenger with the dogs should leave. "I can see how it may look like they are using excessive force, but she was fighting them very hard, and I can see they were very careful not to use excessive force". Dumas says that the woman asked for an allergy shot but the flight crew said that she will have to deplane for that. Further explaining, they could not have her fly, because of her allergy. "They said, well we know now you have this severe allergy, we can't let you fly".

Southwest issued this statement: "Our policy states that a customer (without a medical certificate) may be denied boarding if they report a life-threatening allergic reaction and cannot travel safely with an animal on board. Our Flight Crew made repeated attempts to explain the situation to the customer, however, she refused to deplane and law enforcement became involved."

The woman said that she had to be on this plane to get to Los Angeles for her father's surgery. Southwest publicly apologizes to this customer and will be contacting her to address her concerns.

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