Where are all the women? Part 4: Why do progressive women sacrifice themselves to men's revolutions?

1 year ago

Feminists for Free Speech presents a new live stream series: Where Are All the Women? A question asked perpetually with regard to the gender identity debate and consequent attack on women's rights and free speech demands to know, "Where are all the women?!" We are, after all the ones losing our sex-based rights and sex-segregated spaces... Many want to know why "the women" have fallen silent? Why "the women" have fallen for movements that hurt their interests and rewrite their realities? Movements that endanger women and girls?

Well, we are here. Some of us anyway. We are long time feminists who have been banished into political homelessness. We have been speaking out for many years, but have been ignored. We are advocates for free speech, civil liberties, truth, open debate, and bodily autonomy.

On today's stream we are talking about progressive women defending not only gender identity ideology, but Hamas' attacks on Israelis.

Watch previous Where Are All the Women streams: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZr_veK5sZ6h_exw2J78pi2zi-Oyln-W1

We are currently fundraising to host in real life events, and greatly appreciate donations via PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=R8RA6CSW5CYLS

Or Stripe:

Please feel free to send us an email at: feministsforfreespeech@protonmail.com

Isabella Malbin is a former birth worker, life coach, hypnotist, and host of the Whose Body Is It podcast. Find Isabella online:
Join Isabella's women's group, "Become the resolution": https://www.whosebodyisit.com/a/2147683984/o3oiaWYr

Mary Lou Singleton is a midwife, herbalist, and family nurse practitioner who lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Follow Mary Lou Singleton online:
Subscribe to "How I healed," hosted by Jocelyn Macdonald and Mary Lou: https://howihealed.substack.com/

Meghan Murphy is the founder and editor of Feminist Current and the host and producer of the Feminist Current podcast: https://www.feministcurrent.com/category/podcasts/
She is also host of The Same Drugs. Follow Meghan Murphy online:
Don't drink the koolaid: https://thesamedrugs.creator-spring.com/listing/new-don-t-drink-the-koolaid?product=46

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