Low effort video to show you what Arabs see of Gaza genocide.

1 year ago

Western media show you some stuff, but they do not show you what Arab channels show people of the massacre and the mass-murders by the Zionists. So if you ever wonder how it is possible that people hate the West, know that it is because they see the full results of Western complicity in these war-crimes perpetrated in (y)our name.
They do not give a flying fuck whether the USA has the Trumpface or the Bidenface, they know it isn't actually them who run the show, it is the unelected officials who are in power forever, like Victoria Nuland for example in the US or Van der Lying in Europe and even more so that entire unelected apparatus below these faces, who have been running the show for decades.

These are the ones who rule you.
The entire concept of democracy is painfully laughable when you think about it in this way.

Ask yourself, if you are a worker, what kind of political order does your boss
cultivate at the jobsite?
Is he/she elected? Yeah, didn't think so.
Do you feel you have full freedom of speech, without having to fear consequences?
The whole thing is a fake, always was.
Time for real democracy, time for anarchism.
Factories to the workers, political power to us all.

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