Divine Mother Earth Time! #9: Releasing The Parasites & Embracing the Miracles!

1 year ago

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon - Swiftfire International author , naturopathic doctor , conference speaker , experiencer, researcher , specializes in igniting all to TRUTH and TRUE wholeness path mind , body and Spirit. Dr. Sharnael has done this in many ways , speaking in over 44 countries , writing 5 books including “The Science of Miracles” , “Keys to Third Heaven “ & “The Seers Handbook “ She’s also produced her beautifull Crystal Oils and Decree Deck . Dr. Sharnaels passion in teaching and Truth facilitate support to the masses on an international scale through her online classes, her membership “Swiftfire University”, her social media and her podcast Dr. Sharnael TrueTv. Also found on Her website https://www.Drsharnael.com YouTube https://youtube.com/c/DrSharnaelTrueTV (https://youtube.com/c/DrSharnaelTrueTV) Twitter https://twitter.com/drsharnael Instagram https://www.instagram.com/Drsharnael And Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sharnael.wolverton Bitchute http://www.bitchute.com/channel/drsharnael (http://www.bitchute.com/channel/drsharnael) Rumble : https://rumble.com/c/drsharnael

I’m so excited about taking this journey with you ! I have helped hundreds change their life inside and out because we rid those nasty vampire parasites! Parasites not only take away your nutrients and cause major health issues but also they send out a radiation of “I’m a great victim “ 😕 which attracts predators and not so fun situations of abuse and more trauma 😕 Remember, whatever is in our field is both radiating and a magnetetizing …. we can only get what we are! Let’s change the story …let’s write a new book ! Let’s send a new sound and code radiation of Sovereign Victory!!! Order your products today !! So you can join us Nov 7 for a 21 day grouo parasite cleanse !!! Let’s kill those critters ! This Campaign starts Nov 7th Free to all interested...just need the products to jump in! here is the link if you need them! Order Parafree here ! 💥 https://www.myyl.com/drsharnael?share=fix-it#bwm/fix-it If you already have PARAFREE send me your screen shot with your face , date and parafree to my fb messenger https://www.facebook.com/sharnael.wolverton?mibextid=LQQJ4d (https://www.facebook.com/sharnael.wolverton?mibextid=LQQJ4d) and I will send you a link to our FUN FB group created just for this Time together! Parasites on the inside attract parasite on the OUTSIDE! lets turn this around !!! you have time to order...and we can do this TOGETHER easier and more fun together!! Please pass this on to your friends , family and/or teams !! The more the merrier:) Parafree , life 9, essentialzymes are suggested but only parafree is mandatory! Don’t you think it’s time to Fix Your Sh*t? Let’s do this ! I love you ! Doc ❤️ Fix Your Sh*T Start ing Nov 7 Group email for this endeavor : https://purple-meadow-139.myflodesk.com/sbolhr2jta

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