14 10 2023 - Melbourne Freedom Rally - Full Video

1 year ago

70 Criminals on Patrol.
Some Criminals On Patrol had standard Criminal Costumes while other Criminals On Patrol were wearing matching black Costumes.
Of the Criminals On Patrol wearing black Costumes, some had red rectangle patchs on their back while other Criminals wearing black Costumes were wearing white rectangle patchs on their back, while other Criminals were wearing black rectangle patchs on their back, while other Criminals wearing black Costumes were wearing blue rectangle patchs on their backs.

The Freedom Rally at Treasury Building was ketteled in at the bottom front area near the steps of Treasury building.

Standing up for Children.
Standing up against grooming of children and to say no to sexualisation of children from 4 year old through to 18 year olds in schools.
Standing up and saying no to teaching in schools about children to have sex and hormone blockers to minors and standing up against the surgical removal of male private parts and female private parts.
All Non Reversible.
Standing up against drag shows and drag story time with for children.

Antifa and trannies created a counter protest in support of older men having sex with minors and for minors to have sexualisation drag time performances and drag story time and in favour of having children having all their private parts surgically removed. And they supporting killing of children and babies
Inside and outside the mothers womb.

LET Children be Children.
Let kids be kids.
Leave them alone.
No to abortions and full time abortions and no to after birth abortions where they leave the baby after birth on the bench to die.
No to selling of baby bodys.
No to child trafficing where children are from virtually birth to 18 years old sold daily into the sex slave industry where one child can be sexually abused multiple times a day for money, 6 days a week.

Allow people to live their lives their way so they grow up without any indoctrination, and allow them to find their own path and way in life.
Allow Dad and Mum to live and care and support and nurture and teach and guide their child to be a good healthy productive member of society in the way they feel moved to me.

If antifa and trannies had their way, and they would not exist, because of the killing of children and babies inside and outside the precious womb of the mother there would be no future generations, therefore they would not exist.

If people who stand up for freedom and human rights and the rights of children - from conception through to 25 years old, if they had their way, then all would exist because nobody would have killed them while they were babies before.or after birth.

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