Drone Lifts Wild Hog From Forest

1 year ago

Join us on an extraordinary and challenging expedition as we employ cutting-edge technology to recover a wild hog carcass from the heart of the forest. 🌲 In this gripping video, you'll witness the remarkable capabilities of our massive drone in action.

🔹 Discover the intricacies of hoisting a heavy wild hog from an isolated forest location.
🔹 Learn about the innovative techniques and equipment used in this unique wildlife carcass recovery operation.

If you're fascinated by the intersection of technology, wildlife carcass recovery, and conservation, this video is a must-watch. 📹

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Drones we use: https://www.dronedeerrecovery.com/product/drone-deer-recovery-complete-drone-kit

Ag Drones: https://www.dronedeerrecovery.com/product/dji-t40-the-complete-nuway-ag-agras-drone-kit

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Thanks Braydon,
Check out his channel; https://www.youtube.com/@BraydonPrice.

#WildlifeRecovery #DroneTechnology #ForestConservation #ResponsibleWildlifeManagement #DronesInAction

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