Robert Kiyosaki on Taxation

11 months ago

Robert Kiyosaki on Taxation

The socialist-liberal types will never be able to think for themselves, an indoctrinated, brainwashed bunch of fools that believe the world is falling apart due to “capitalism”. NO…. that is the illusion, and the truth is the “capitalism” we the people see is a piece of cake we are not entitled to have, so we get taxed to the hilt, double-taxed, triple-taxed in some cases, and the liberals fools are desperate for the designer brand goods made in sweat shops. The liberals get upset that they cannot afford to live in a “capitalist” world but they are too arrogant, too ignorant to realise that behind the dazzling lights of capitalism lurks Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street, three mega corporations most normal people had never even heard of before 2020. Those three mega corporations own EVERYTHING, and who owns those three mega corporations? Well they are all jointly owned by the same consortium of psychopathic, satanic criminals who owned and ran the unaudited privately owned banking cartel of the US Federal Reserve ie. Rothschild’s, JP Morgan, Lehman Bros, Rockefellers, DuPont’s etc. So while the lefty liberals whine about “capitalism” being bad, and that marxist-communism is fairer, the liberal fools do not join the dots and work out that these satanic scumbags have over the decades been buying out everything, it’s COMMUNISM by the back door. Those three mega corporations are jointly owned by the same cartel, the same scumbags involved with child trafficking, organ harvesting, perpetual wars, banking fraud, money laundering, big pharma, genocide/depopulation, the Birth Certificate Cestui Que Vie Trusts that made we the people “chattel”, or bonded slaves. This is why you pay “income” tax, “income” in a legal dictionary is monies learnt on investments, NOT wages. It’s not called “wages” tax as that would break slavery laws; ironic that many corporations are pledging to combat “modern day slavery”, THAT is absolute bullshit, because we are bonded slaves as our CQV Trusts are traded on the Stock Exchange without our knowledge. So Capitalism is just a facade, a fake shop window showing a reputable business but behind the scenes it’s communism and up to its neck in criminality and evil, a system that benefits the chosen few and those who sold their souls for a few shekels and pieces of silver, they include many celebrities sporting their designer gear that instil envy in the minds of the sheep.

Isn’t it time you started to wake up?

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