Flashback: Obama WH Sabotage of Trump

1 year ago

LT Col Tony Shaffer (RET) traced the trail leading back to the Obama White House's sabotage of Trump's campaign and Trump's Administration from behind the scenes. The Biden Admin has now hired all of the deep state traitors including Obama and main staff member Valerie Jarrett, the Iranian supporter, that were out to destroy America from day one.

Kimberly Guilfoyle: What possibly could be the justification?

LT Col Tony Shaffer (RET): Well, I think they lied, to be quite honest. Someone had to lie. Let me be very clear. I have actually had to go to the White House to brief these sorts of operations. I've been over there because when you get to this level of of issue the President [Obama] is personally aware of everything going on. So, his statement today about this, this don, denial, denial was a confirmation. So, we have to understand that, that he was involved. He at least was tacitly knowledgeable and therefore he is responsible. The buck stops with him. So, I think we have to start with that premise. The President [Obama] knew. When did he know? What did he know? And why did the justification go forward knowing full well this was a "due diligence" not probable cause issue. That's something that has to be resolved.

Kimberly Guilfoyle: And there's some information also that we saw today on Twitter. Jon Favreau, Obama former speech writer, issued and wrote this statement out and will give it here for our viewers.

"I'd be careful about reporting that Obama said there was no wire tapping. Statement just said that neither he nor the WH ordered it. ~ Jon Favreu

Kimberly Guilfoyle: What does that tell you?

LT Col Tony Shaffer (RET): Precisely, that tells me there was an investigation that was prompted by someone. Look, Kimberly the operations I ran the White House didn't direct, but I sure as heck had to go up there and break them on all aspects of it and get feedback. In this case everything going on in the Intelligence community, Special Operations community, in the Justice Department was all being centrally coordinated by the White House, by President Obama's personal staff.

So, it is just un, there is absolutely no possibility President Obama was not fully aware of what was going on and, more importantly, that this was a fishing expedition, there was nothing factual to it. And I give it, and I've said on the network several weeks ago there's been tripwires laid out and and we both know, we all know, that there has been significant leaks of intelligence information to certain outlets, not you guys, New York Times Washington Post, MSNBC, NBC, and those leaks came from inside intelligence offices who I would say, I'll go so far to say is, they were probably involved in this very collection that we're not talking about. They leaked it.

Kimberly Guilfoyle: Unbelievable. It's explosive news tonight. Col Shaffer, always a pleasure to have you with us. Well there's still a lot to unpack on this story as you can tell.

LT Col Tony Shaffer (RET): Thank you Kimberly.

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