PARIS ATTACK - An Inside Job, False Flag? Weird Footage Brings More Questions - 2015

1 year ago

Published on Jan 14, 2015
by Elite NWO Agenda


PARIS ATTACK - An Inside Job, False Flag? Weird Footage Brings More Questions

The headquarters of the satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo was attacked by three gunmen on Wednesday with automatic rifles killing 12 people including two police officers.

Police have identified the three gunmen who massacred journalists at the magazine office. The youngest of the three – Hamyd Mourad, 18, surrendered to the police on Wednesday. The two others are reported to be brothers named Said Koucahi and Cherif Kouachi.

Although suspicion has fallen on the ISIS group because the attack seemed to be in reaction to the magazine’s tweet about leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, there are other reports that suggest al-Qaeda could be responsible.

However, since no group has come forward to take responsibility for the attack, conspiracy theories are abounding online, one even saying that the attack was an inside job. Why has the media reported that the police officer who was first on the scene of the Charlie Hebdo shooting was shot in the head when footage appears to suggest otherwise?

This video also explores the rampant hypocrisy from world leaders in the aftermath of the twin attacks in France. Former Democrat and Senator Joe Lieberman has taken to the pages of the Wall Street Journal to call for a global war on Islam.

Lieberman writes that “the inspiring unity that filled the streets of Paris on Sunday in defense of freedom” must be “transformed into the mighty unity that is necessary now to defeat radical Islam before it kills more people and takes away more freedom.”

Nations must exploit the outrage produced by terrorist attacks to officially declare war, Lieberman writes.

The United States, France and other nations “should form and lead a global alliance against radical Islam. That alliance must include leading Islamic nations — Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, to name a few — because Muslims who do not share the extremist views of the terrorists constitute the largest number of its victims.”

According to the group which identifies itself as Anonymous, the ISIS hack of the Pentagon’s Twitter accounts traces back to Maryland – home of the National Security Agency.

Twitter and YouTube accounts belonging to the U.S. military command that oversees operations in the Middle East were reportedly hacked by ISIS sympathizers earlier today, with messages being sent out for almost an hour before the accounts were temporarily shut down. “American soldiers, we are coming, watch your back, ISIS,” the hackers posted on the U.S. Central Command Twitter feed.

In fact, Islamists “flourish” in failed states such as Yemen, Somalia, Mali, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere in the Middle East and Africa in direct response to the foreign policy decisions of the United States and its partners, including the Gulf Emirates.

Lieberman, as an “unreconstructed neocon” who holds a seat at the American Enterprise Institute, is acting as the frontman for the globalist plan to significantly expand the war on terror which is designed to redraw borders, balkanize nations, loot natural resources (most recently, in Africa) and cast new alliances beholden to the financial class and its corporatist partners. Look at the genius of their modus operandia. The Mossad commits hits (including on 9/11) but anyone who observes that they trace back to Israel is condemned as an “anti-Semite”, as when Alan Sabrosky, Gordon Duff, Kevin Barrett and I were savaged as “anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theorists” for documenting Israel role in 9/11, which has recently been confirmed by new evidence about activities related to Fort Lee, a pattern we have seen again and again."

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