1 year ago

Excerpt from Symposium 27 with Nick Alvear documentary film maker author of The Greatest Show On Earth!

But don't stop here! Watch the full segment as
we touched on who were the Moors and Mongols in recent American history all the way to the sinister agency of blood harvesting and its purposes to lower frequencies set up by the Tartarian advanced civilization!

We spoke to the killing of the record keepers that ensued to reduce this high tech civilization to the ground, its antiqui-tech such as electric cars back in 1800s that give a slap to Tesla cars' so called innovative pionneering advertisments, we speak to an aspect of the dumbing down of the modern man but isn't it paradox that we are also the most advanced based on the Tartarian history!?

Sacha also shares with Laz members some enigmatic information under secrecy about who holds some of the keys to the quasi annihilated record keepers, and speaks to the modern-day mystics who made connections back to Celtic blood rituals that are still in effect today in cutting off and keeping the ethereal frequencies of Tartaria at its lowest!

To sum it all up this segment is a gold mine or a minefield of research into a time travelling Trump persona, Free Energy and historical remnants such as titanic trees and a collection of alien artifacts that will blow your mind.

To watch, one must sign up as a member and may have access to the entire symposium, and the symposium before that, and so on!
Go to go.lazarusinitiative.com/sign-up

Already a member? Go to www.lazarusinitiative.com/live-stream

#giants #tartaria #disclosure #aliens #mudflood #sachastone #greatestshowonearth #nickalvear #timetravel #Trump #fibonacci #quantumuniverse #ancientcivilizations

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