Masak 'Mapo Tofu - Korean Style' dirumah dengan bahan seadanya.

1 year ago

Masak 'Mapo Tofu ala-ala Korea dengan bahan seadaanya di kulkas.

1 Pack Tahu Jepang
100 gr Daging Ayam Cingcang
100 ml Air
4 cup Air (Buat rendam tahu)
1/2 Bawang Bombay
1/2 tbsp Jahe
1/2 tbsp Cabe Potong
2 siung Bawang Putih (Di Cingcang)
3 tbsp Kecap Asin
2 tbsp Cabe bubuk/ Gochugaru
3 tbsp Gochujang
1 tbsp Kecap Ikan
1 tbsp Tepng Maizena
Garam, minyak secukupnya

1. Ada beberapa bahan lagi tapi tidak jadi dipakai, jadi tidak ditulis disini.
2. Please also remember, untuk semua bahan yang saya tulis disini sesuai dengan my taste bud, jadi feel free to adjust sesuai selera teman-teman.

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â–º Artist Attribution
Music Credit: Yakuzee Beatz
Track Name: Conquered Emotions
Music By: Yakuzee Beatz @
Official Yakuzee Beatz YouTube Channel HERE: @yakuzeebeatz6536
License for commercial use: This is copyright free music that has been publicly released by "Yakuzee Beatz" under a "Public Attribution Agreement - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Music promoted by NCM

Music By: "After The Fall"
Track Name: "Tears Of Gaia"
Published by: Chill Out Records - Source:
Official After The Fall YouTube Channel Below / @cloudunder
License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Full license here:

#mapotofu #mapotahu #masakanrumahan #indonesia #cookingshow #mukbang

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