Prophecy: Israel, Turkey and Armageddon

1 year ago

The world is at crisis point, I think we all know that instinctively. The continuing war in Ukraine and sudden jolt with the barbarous attack on Israel, with even babies being murdered, is a reminder that the Middle East remains a powder keg. However, there are larger forces involved than angry mullahs and the simple conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians. The ultimate conflict is prophesied very clearly in the Bible. In numerous places, in both the Old and New Testaments, there are descriptions of what is to come 'in the latter days'. That time would seem to be now. I say this both from having read the 'signs in the sky' and also a consideration of the state of the modern world.

In this lecture, we will examine certain prophecies and then I will make a prediction of my own based on these. It is clear that we are in for big changes and we need to prepare ourselves for them.
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