Guilty Boxer In Deep Trouble For Eating Her Owner's Cookie

7 years ago

We love our dogs as if they were our own children and most of the times they behave as if they are! Dog owners know that if they leave something out in the open that a dog isn’t supposed to have, no matter how well trained it is, the pooch will find a way to reach it and, of course, consume it!

That is why there are child locks. But do not let us tell you about it, check out what happened to this cookie lover.

See, this Boxer managed to sniff out a Starbucks chocolate chip cookie on the kitchen counter, after her owner left it there. Faith knows she’s not supposed to have sugar, but that cookie just smells devilishly good! He won’t know it is gone, will he? So of course she climbed the kitchen counter and stole her owner's chocolate chip cookie.

What Faith had wrong the entire time is that there is no way for a chocolate chip cookie lover to not notice that their favorite snack has mysteriously disappeared from the place where they left it, especially since the wrapper the cookie was in is drenched in dog slime!

Check out her reaction when she's confronted with the evidence. She can't even make eye contact!

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