The Scourge of Liberalism

11 months ago

JFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Reagan, Trump, they all warned us of the Liberals. For 4 years now the silent war has become increasingly noticeable at least to those who are not totally brainwashed. The liberals will always fight for their own enslavement at the hands of a fascist communist government, unaware that capitalism was actually a shop front window display to the slowly developing global communism at the hands of Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street; three mega corporations all jointly owned by the same zionists and eugenists in the Federal Reserve. The Donbas was attacked for 8 years immediately following the 2014 Maidan Square Massacre in Kiev where the zionists in DC overthrew an elected government and used a $70B incentive to sign over 75% land ownership rights to four huge GMO corporations. Then we have 46 bioweapon labs, child trafficking and organ harvesting tunnels and DUMBs in Ukraine. The liberals are fast asleep dreaming about pink unicorns and and queuing up for their next booster unaware that they are just useful idiots who served a purpose for the same psychopaths who brought HIV to the LGBT and Black population back in the 80's; ironic that the same psychopaths wheeled in the BLM and Trans Trojan Horses. Wake UP!!!

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