Elvis In My Head (Pastor Bob In My Heart)...and friends. Original by Joyce the Voice, 10/15/23

1 year ago

Whether or not you believe that Elvis is alive and living as Pastor Bob Joyce, his message has always been clear, seek the Lord and be saved. Much is happening in our world these days and it is BIBLICAL!!! Many images are from Gene Ho, President Trump's campaign photographer, the man behind the camera, who sees who else is behind the scenes! He is also Editor in Chief of the revived George Magazine, among other things he does. George Magazine was started by John F. Kennedy Jr., who is still with us now (he will reveal himself in good time, when it is right). See this link, a project I worked on with him...

This video has been edited, omitted "How Great Thou Art" due to a copywrite strike, even though it is a classic hymn.

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