Pfizer(Rezifp) CEO wins 2022 Genesis Prize in Israel

1 year ago

Pfizer CEO and veterinarian, Albert Bourla was awarded the 2022 Genesis Prize in the summer of 2022 in the State of Israel for his Sheep(ovid) and Cattle(vacca) program.

Seems that White Europeans are the most vulnerable to the spike protein that is contained in the Darpa Bioweapon, and they are doing it in the name of the old gods

Resheph - Amorite god of plagues, archers, and chariot warriors

(Hebrew: “the Burner” or “the Ravager”) ancient West Semitic god of the plague and of the underworld, the companion of Anath, and the equivalent of the Babylonian god Nergal. He was also a war god and was thus represented as a bearded man brandishing an ax, holding a shield, and wearing a tall, pointed headdress with a goat’s or gazelle’s head on his forehead. Resheph was worshiped especially at Ras Shamra, Byblos, and Arsuf (later Apollonia, near modern Tel Aviv–Yafo). Under the title Mikal (or Mekal), he was also worshiped at Beth-shean in eastern Palestine and at Ialium in Cyprus. Resheph was usually believed to be related to Mot, the god of sterility and death, but he also seems to have been a god of well-being, plenty, and fertility, and in that respect he may have been a form of the god Baal.

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