it's always the same story, more gory than the last round

1 year ago

i do the good drugs not the ones that make you kill yourself
i do the drugs that increase self-awareness
plants over pharmies
albert hoffman was a genius
is anyone actually happy cos they have a buncha crap
we don't own shit
wtf is on my lip, it looks like herpes of the mouth or sumin
they live inside a box n stare at one all day
xbox...hello, even the vape pens look like boxes now
living in a box by living in a box, BRILLIANT
your emotional instability is showing so much that it's glowing
how many x does it take for it to get thru
the Lord is so bored w/ america
Jesus vindicates me always
look around it's not all that profound as to why people would rather die than think
change the chords damnit
too dark for yours truly???
don't chu just love my hats? made in china
i have never trusted anyone
this shot n that shot...i will take my chances w/ all "diseases"
wtf do i know as a laywoman
apparently i know way more than...
not that i take pride in things i know instinctively, God gave that to me
it has never felt like luck haha
i give a different kinda fuck a whole set a fucks in fact
what do they want from us other than total self-destruction
what do you want from me oh Lord, i still ask this question even tho i already know the answer
use all the gifts w/ which we've been endowed
valuable information that will more than likely be rejected by the general public
i love getting called racist, never thought it'd be a pastime
it's past time for you to be talking about identity
if you're not that sumin you get called then why do you care
it's usually at least 25 different things
nothing is changing in public policy or culture
just one heavy hitter is more important than a thousand in the dugout
this whole society is comprised of people that don't give a shit about being effective as a person in this world
who the fuck is running behind me?
i don't like liars so i feel bad if i even accidentally lie
i accepted being at the bottom of the barrel
why do you think you deserve so much
you can't find sumin better most of the time
eye roll at yet another bold declaration
it's always sumin to fantasize about tho
gender swap won't fix yer problems
changing sumin that doesn't need to be changed
understand your insecurity rather than running away
thank you for assuming that i have a penis
it wouldn't be a real penis so...
west civ won't call it suicide but that's what freedom is all about!
gullible for sure
social media is coercive in so many ways
you'd be so much better if you endured
never ever heard an inspirational story involving psych meds
no spiritual growth n self-realization in meds cos that's not the nature of em (they just turn up the negative voices)
i got this tattoo on lexapro, right where i wanted to slit my wrists haha
i can hurt myself in a socially acceptable way by getting a free mason tattoo
the stuff that we do so's not to do other stuff
super easy to sell quick fix solutions
not bad but fake ass people
no point in trying to explain it to them
it's a stalemate when people refuse to solve their own problems
i only expect more nonsensical shit from here on out (and always)
this is the sound of acting accordingly
it's not totally hopeless if you have faith
i know society will kick me so i can pivot like a mf
everything is the same when you are this easy to control
what if it's always a lie
hero/victim manipulation tactic
i went thru a pro-trump, constitutionalist phase
did i already say this
america's true religion is materialism
i don't think that this bogus idea of capitalism actually worked
why are we depending on the system for freedom, this makes no sense
we are dead to the law but alive in Christ
not trying to be rebellious, i just naturally despise anything/anyone trying to control me
have i ever said enough tho?

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