"RUSHMORE" (1998) Directed by Wes Anderson #rushmore #wesanderson

1 year ago

Part of my "Wes Anderson Season" and this one goes off the rails so enjoy!

“Hello I’m Max Fischer. I just wanted to say that I strongly agree with your views concerning Rushmore”.

So what do you get if you combine an ambitious, head strong yet ultimately unsure of himself 15 year old boy that prefers extra curricular after school activities than school itself, a disaffected, perma smoking millionaire, a beautiful young teacher trying to come to terms with the untimely death of her husband, a school headmaster forever chasing his tail amidst the madness that surrounds him, a young pupil who doesn’t need guidance but simply a friend, an obnoxious, foul mouthed Scottish pupil and a multitude of further characters that you’ll invest your affections in, cheer for and laugh along with? Wait! Hold that thought!

There’s more: A story of hopes, dreams, love and friendships, of growing up and growing old, broken friendships and broken dreams, revenge and redemption shot through the prism of a 15 year old boy just trying to avoid a rigid school structure and set up as many clubs and societies as he tries to find his real calling in life? Keep holding that thought!

There’s more again: All of this and much, much more is shot through the lens of Wes Anderson with his quirky and oblique camera angles, his Tarantinoesque zoom close ups on ordinary narrative items, straight ahead shots of the characters as we delve further into their psyche, long tracking shots and sweeping camera moves, upside down shots, drowned out dialogue, beautifully affecting slow motion shots and a wonderful harpsichord musical score and eclectic musical choices from across the ages?

What you get is Wes Anderson’s first bona fide classic that by the slow motion captured ending, as Anderson brings together all of these wonderfully created characters and sound tracked by The Faces “Ooh La La” you will have laughed, smiled, cheered and maybe, just maybe, have wiped away a tear or two.

The above opening paragraphs are taken from my original spoiler free review of "Rushmore" many years ago and which was originally transferred to my Medium blog site on 12th December 2022 and which can now be read in full and for free (please also consider subscribing for free too!) via my Substack blog site and original article linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review is also an integral part of volume 5 of my "essential film reviews collection". Each volume is priced at £4.99 via e-book but all 7 volumes can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:

Volume 5


All 7 Volume Series



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