"HUNGER" (2008) Directed by Steve McQueen #michaelfassbender #stevemcqueen

1 year ago

“I’m clear on the reasons, Dom. I’m clear of all the repercussions. But I will act, and I will not stand by and do nothing”.

Despite the subject matter and being an especially difficult watch, Hunger should be lauded as an incredible debut achievement from Steve McQueen. With minimal dialogue he allows the roaming camera to tell his story for him and of course three remarkable character portrayals from Fassbender, Graham and Cunningham. McQueen also cleverly uses stock radio and TV interviews of the day, unseen and in the background as a semi narration, with an especially poignant use of an address to The Houses of Parliament by Margaret Thatcher. There is also clever use of a minimal musical score which sounds like a fiddle, mournful and foreboding and eerily reminiscent of a prison bell tolling in the background as it builds further tension, adding further layers to a remarkable film and the telling of a story that to this day remains a dark stain on the British psyche.

A phenomenal film.

The above final paragraph is taken from my spoiler free review of "Hunger" I originally penned and published several years ago, then posted to my Medium blog site on 25th January 2023 and which can now be read in full and for free (please also consider subscribing for free too!) via my Substack blog site and the original article linked immediately below:


This spoiler free review is also integral to volume 3 of my "essential film reviews collection". Each volume is available via e-book at £4.99 per volume or all 7 volumes can be read for free should you have an Amazon Kindle "Unlimited" package:

Volume 3:


All 7 Volumes:



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