The G0d Code - Why is God Jealous?

1 year ago

Hey, everyone. This is Guruzilla, and this video is for FeatherHigh and the group. Look for the feather somewhere in this video. SourceCreator made a good point. El and Anu are the same Father Creator God that created lesser gods.

El and Anu are the same God!

Who are El and Anu, you ask?

Anu was the god of the sky and heaven in ancient Mesopotamia.
El was the god of heaven and earth in ancient Canaan and Ugarit.
Both were the big bosses of creation, authority, and fatherhood of gods and humans.

But we have a burning question: How can God be jealous of His creation?

Does that make any sense?

Christians say this all the time. I like Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, etc. I have no issue with anyone, except those who are closed off to just one truth. Truth has layers. Truth is dynamic, not static.

We need common sense.
God should be easy to understand. The Bible says:

The Kingdom of God is within you.

But Christians don't believe or understand what they read. They disagree with each other, but agree with the Vatican and Constantine's version. They ignore other gospels in the Nag Hammadi Library.

We need to look at patterns. That's what we are doing. We study word meanings. The Bible is an ancient history book. We should take it literally if we have facts and evidence.

How can God be jealous? That's insane.

Let's talk about El or El Elyon.

He is the Supreme God of the Canaanite pantheon. He created the Sons of God. Sumeria and Canaan are the roots of the Bible. We need to study that religion.

Religions change based on wars and tribes. The Israelites were warriors who started the Yahweh cults. They said that their god Yahweh was the Most High God and mixed him up with El. Yahweh usurped the Title of El Elyon but you wil lsee historically this creates a contradiction? Can you figure out what it is?

Judaism comes from Canaanite religion through Yahwism, a worship of Yahweh as El.

El Elyon was never called Yahweh until Judaism.

And El and Yahweh are very different. Just like Jesus and Yahweh are very different.

Christians are Yahweh cultists who are trying to mix oil and water and make kool aid. They say drink the kool aid, but I say oil and water don't mix. Try again.

What they claim is illogical. And they want to force us to believe in their crazy contradictions of logic, and that the Creator of Everything is Jealous of Everything He Created?

I'm not buying it. It makes no sense.

What kind of Father would be jealous of his own son?

But this is all easily proven with the Bible, but it's impossible to talk with religious fanatics just like it's impossible to talk with Leftists or Marxists. They are all mind controlled and programmed to disconnect from reality.

So back to the question: Why does Yahweh claim to be a Jealous God by a Chosen tribe?

Yahweh and Asherah were both part of the Canaanite pantheon, where Yahweh was a minor god of storms and war, and Asherah was El's wife.

But over time, Yahweh took over El's role and became the main god of the Israelites. He also kicked out Asherah and became a jealous and angry god.

That's the story of how El and Anu were conflated into Yahweh by the dominant tribe of the Israelites.

But we are not fooled by this deception. We know the true God is El Elyon, the Most High God, who is never jealous or violent, but loving and wise.

We are here to share this truth with you and invite you to join our research group. We are on a mission to uncover the secrets of the ancient world and the true nature of God.

If you are interested, please subscribe to our channel and leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you and answer your questions.

Thank you for watching and stay tuned for more videos. Peace out.

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