1 year ago

They put up new tower up in my neighborhood last week, it's just off the corner of Bloomingdale and Kings Ave. in Brandon Florida 33511. It's massive, at least 7 stories tall - it sets beside a 'Fusion Center'. They incased it behind a concrete barrier and it's connected to not only TECO Eletric, but two huge fuel powered back-up generators. Just the week beforehand, they had erected a three story tower in front of the center - it looked military and was imtimidating as HELL, I guess they couldn't reach enough of us with it, because it was only there a few days before they ripped the 3 story tower out of the ground and replaced it with the 7 story monster. Should we worry? Government census wrote a population estimate for the united states in 2019, the report claimed we would have a population of 96 million in 2025 - we currently have somewhere around 350 million American 'citizens'. They took this report down when people started connecting it to the kill shot - you know, the one that they are claiming is a vaccine, but the census can still be found on the wayback machine.

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