Codex at the UN?

11 months ago

Codex Alimentarius: The Global Conspiracy Exposed

There's a hidden agenda that's impacting the world's food supply.

It's called the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Today, we're exposing this global conspiracy and the dangers it poses.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission is part of a genocidal agenda.

This means that there are intentional attacks on our genetic system.

The tools they use.

When a new drug is approved by the FDA (Fraud and Death Administration) it does not go into full approval but into phase four clinical trial.

Phase four clinical trial is a trial in which the drug is made available for general use in the public to see how many people DIE or are MAIMED or have other serious side effects called adverse events.

about 1% of the Adverse Events that a drug or vaccine causes are reported. If the adverse event is too frequent even for the FDA within five years, the drug is quietly withdrawn from the market.

about 50% of drugs are withdrawn during the 5-year phase because they are too toxic, killing too many people, or just poison.

How many deaths are too many?
How can these ' scientists' recommend that they enter the market in the first place?

Conflict of Interest hasn't been eliminated by the FDA, as those who serve on the pharmacy boards also serve on the FDA.

Benito Mussolini defined fascism for us as the merger of the corporation and the state. The United States has allowed 'The State' to become 'The Corporation."

genetically modified foods introduce foreign genes into our body into the bacteria of our gut which are 80 percent or more of our immune system. Natural Immunity will be destroyed...

Food laced with chemicals and genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

Every independent scientist who has studied GMOs has found that they introduce foreign genes into our bodies.

These genes jump around and create unexpected, often harmful effects.

They cause allergies, infertility, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and fetal malformations.

Agrochemicals, produced by the pharmaceutical industry, are used extensively in agriculture.

They poison us, but they're profitable.

Bayer pharmaceutical history is a good example, Fritz Termeir the head of Auschwitz and a pharmaceutical Executive. He also served prison time after the war, for his part in the slave labor camp, but went back to being head of Bayer Pharmaceutical.

food was his new weapon, in 1952 he and his colleagues wrote a letter to the United Nations saying they should start a Codex, a globalist organization, to control the world's food.

Even the WHO says babies shouldn't be exposed to Fluoride and water formula or food and the USA as always has disregarded this particular piece of advice and demanded that baby formula be fortified with high levels of fluoride.

A lot of name-brand, American baby formulas have Fluoride in them, even though other nations refuse to poison their children. But the USA asked for an exception, Especially for ill and special needs infants.

They're using food and agrochemicals to accomplish their depopulation agenda.

Glyphosate, also known as Roundup, is the most widely used herbicide in the world.

It's the second most toxic non-radioactive compound on the planet, causing serious health issues.

The U.S government has a revolving door policy.

Government officials rotate into the industry they're regulating, then back into government.

This allows the increasing merger of the state and the corporation, serving corporate interests over public welfare.

The globalists have decided that the population must be severely reduced.

They've decided who may live and who may die.

We need to support organic farming and sustainable food systems.

the collective Genome of course is the total genetic material of the human race or the entire biological sphere of the planet

What happens in my body in the next minute, the next hour, the next decade, 20, 30, 50, 70 years we are also talking about future generations.

Because anything that is changed will also be changed in future generations, there are also technologies that are profitable because the situation has been sculpted to allow them to be profitable, but which are deadly, because of the overreaching agenda of the globalist is the reduction of the population by 90% .

They tell you in their own documents on sustainability: National Security Memorandum 200
written for President Nixon in 1974 by Henry Kissinger who was at the time the Head of the Department of State.

The Secretary of State says population reduction must be the primary goal of U.S. foreign policy that was accepted by Nixon's Administration and was never refuted or revoked as a policy statement of the U.S. Sustainability documents of the United Nations and the World Health Organization.

They make it sound so glowing and beautiful, it's Lovely depopulation, when it's genocide, it's death for you and your family and your future, and if you can't reproduce, that's death for future generations.

We must resist the suppression of natural medicine and reject the profit-driven actions of the pharmaceutical industry.

Together, we can fight against this global conspiracy and protect our health.

The Codex Alimentarius Commission is more than just a global food standard.

It's a tool for depopulation and corporate profit.

It's time to expose this hidden agenda and take back control of our food and our health and government leadership.

the end minutemen

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