Youtube Defends SSSniperwolf and Here's How Alia Shelesh Got Away With it

1 year ago

Since Everyone is getting SSSniperwolf Shadowbanned - Please join the discord server!!! NEW LINK - - FREE THIS WEEK!

First and Foremost thank you to @Gsully for making his outstanding video detailing his conversation between himself and youtube support. I used his clip for informational purposes only and give him full credit, and here is the link to his video:

Popular youtuber SSSniperwolf ( Real Name Alia Selesh ) is getting defended by Youtube. This is a disgusting precedent and something must be done. SSSniperwolf doxxed jacksfilms earlier in the week and is now facing zero consequences despite multiple call outs and requests for action from youtuber's that have less than 1000 follows to youtubers like @Kavosss @penguinz0 @ReviewTechUSA @CinnamonToastKen and of course, @jacksfilms . Will youtube do anything? Shout out to @GSully once again for the amazing content.

Youtube, we stand in solidarity and hope you fix this issue! @TheRealSullyG

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