Remodeling a Life -Ep.267 -Run With Horses Podcast

11 months ago


Do you ever get the feeling that things need to change if you are to make any progress in your life? Remodeling is tough whether it is a house or a life.

Welcome to Run With Horses. My name is Norman and my goal is to help you Thrive as a follower of Jesus. You may see a need to make some changes and not be sure what steps to take. You can rest assured that God not only does know, He is working to make you more like Jesus and He always finishes what He starts. . . unlike the rest of us . . .

Got any unfinished projects sitting around?

We will come back to that in a minute. But first. If you are listening to Run With Horses on Revelation Radio, I have news for you! Beginning November 4th we have a new time and day along with some format changes. We go to the new ONE hour format on Saturday, Nov. 4 at our new time, 6:30-7:30 PM. So starting in Nov. look for us at every Saturday night at 6:30 pm for an hour-long show!
The longer format will make it easier to fit in guest interviews and a few other things we have been wanting to do but find difficult in the shorter format. The longer format will also make it easier for us to find syndication options so contact if you are interested in having Run With Horses on your station.

So where were we? Ah, yes, unfinished projects. . .
How appropriate that I am sitting in a half-finished room as I record this!

Some people like change and thrive in chaos. Other hate change and fight it with every breathe. But like it or hate it, change is necessary. Without changing I will never be like Jesus!

So why is it so hard for us to accept the need for change?
1. We get comfortable. Distracted.
2. We are basically lazy.
3. Unknown is scary.
4. Unsure about where to begin.
5. Not sure where we will end up
6. It seems too hard.
7. We can’t be perfect so why bother.
8. Busy with other things. Maybe less important but in our face.

So to summarize. Why don’t we change? Lack of motivation, lack of a plan, poor priorities. I think that about covers it! Did I miss anything important?

Why is it important to resist the urge to “go with the flow” and never apply efforts to intentional change?
1. The call of Jesus demands an intentional response.

2. No one knows how long they have before their life is over.
Matt. 24:35-36

3. We will all answer for how we lived our lives.
2 Corinthians 5:9

Change is hard. Got it. But Change is necessary.
Do you find yourself fighting change or embracing it? Sometimes a bit of both?

Thanks for joining me today. If you have thoughts or questions about your spiritual life, write me at I would love to hear from you. Keep looking for the change that God is working in your life. Don’t run from it but embrace it and make firm choices to welcome the change that He is doing.
Find a friend today and encourage them to keep on the journey with you.
Keep running!

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