"urgent" the Amazon has dried up (Brazil), extreme drought that hit the Middle Solimões River

1 year ago

In September 2023, the most severe drought in the history of the Middle Solimões River probably occurred. At least that is what is said in the city of Tefé-AM, where these images were generated. Is the title of the video a bit exaggerated? Yes, it is... But what was experienced is alarming, and that is why it needs to be highlighted. It is true that drought occurs naturally every year in these Amazonian plains. But what we saw this September is something frightening and shocking. It was much more than expected. It was terrifying. The population of this region was profoundly impacted, on several imaginable fronts. River logistics were highly affected. Goods became more expensive, changing people's purchasing power, especially riverside dwellers. Domestic transport, that by canoes, became an arduous task. The riverside families were left without drinking water. Their agricultural production could not be properly disposed of. Their floating homes ran aground in the middle of the river. Many children were left without classes.

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