CRUCIFIX in the SKY sighting 2018 by MIKE SMITH 21 31 20 10 23

1 year ago

This piece is a re-edit and tidy up of vocals, which were a phone call with lots of interference, so with Mike recently (October 13th 2023), leaving planet Earth for easier environs, I wanted to dust this off and make it more accessible technically, and is just over 20 minutes.

On 24th February 2018, Mike Smith called to tell me about an amazing sighting he'd just had on the road between Kingswinford and Kidderminster in the west midlands, where he was in heavy traffic, moving at around 50mph.

The astonishing this about this sighting is that the Crucifix/craft that Mike witnessed around 1/2 to 1 mile distant, was right over Stourton Woods, the very location he was he had encounters with the Nordics (taken for a ride on their craft), and abducted by the reptilians from the side of the canal...close to the field you see, and the actual canal here also, as a child of ten or eleven years of age.

There were many things that occurred in that wood, which was Mike's usual playground, and back in the late 1950s and early 60s, it was unknown to many, and mainly farmland and woods. That has changed over the years, and the location is now a popular dog walking place.

This location is also the area where Robert Plant once lived, close by the field where Mike met the Nordics, and where a crop circle appeared...and it is interesting that Led Zepplin, Plant's band, used a crop circle as one of their album covers.

Meanwhile, enjoy, share, like and subscribe!

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