Pfizer Fraud Trial Hidden Behind Iron Curtain of Censorship

11 months ago

Brook Jackson has 20 years' experience as a clinical trials project manager. She commenced work for a contractor with Pfizer in 2020, across a number of sites in Texas and immediately recognised research fraud taking place. She states:

While working as a Regional Director overseeing Pfizer's Clinical Trials for the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine, I witnessed:
Staff Falsifying and Fabricating Data.
Serious Adverse Events that were not logged correctly, or not logged at all.
Employees that were supposed to be overseeing the trials, enrolled themselves as well as family members into the trial.​
Forged Signatures on the Informed Consent Forms of Participants (signed by staff members).
And other scientific misconduct that skewed the data used to obtain approval from the FDA.

Her attempts to report it to the contractor failed and she finally contacted the FDA. Six hours later the company fired her, suggesting they had been tipped off about her.

She became a whistleblower and is taking Pfizer to court. Should she win the case, it will open the door for those who have been injured and aggrieved to sue Pfizer.

Learn her story at

Legal cases are underway elsewhere. For example Australia's class action lawsuit against government and regulators:


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