Self-Taught Teen Makeup Artist Creates Gory Illusions That Will Make Your Stomach Turn

7 years ago

Let us start by saying not to worry, nothing in this video is an actual injury!

These terrible optical illusions belong in some summer horror flick! This rather talented individual has attracted an army of followers on Instagram for her graphic special effects makeup tricks.

The self taught makeup artist isn't in serious need of a Band Aid… or a whole team of microsurgeons...that is not her real finger! In fact, there is nothing wrong with her, other than maybe her dark and vivid imagination!

She hasn't been attacked by a sadistic puppet or something. She's fine.

It must be awesome though, while her sick, twisted makeup tricks make it look as if she's an extra from a horror movie! SAW 4D, perhaps?

The exceptionally brilliant and mighty morbid mind behind all of these optical illusions is 19-year-old Isabelle Carmichael, but she's better known as Eyesobell on Instagram and Facebook. The teen Canadian is self-taught and clearly has a very creative way of thinking.

Her army of followers counts more than 42,000 on Instagram thanks to her graphic and sometimes stomach-curdling creations.

She also good with a camera, because er photos are so realistic, she has to label them "fake" and "makeup" in capital letters so people don't think she's been mutilated in real life.

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