The ProLife Team Podcast 103 | Abby Johnson & Jacob Barr | Talking about Feminism and Abortion

11 months ago

Listen to Abby Johnson and Jacob Barr talk about feminism and abortion for the virtual museum on the history of abortion.

Summary of Episode:

- Abby Johnson ran a Planned Parenthood facility in Texas for eight years but left after witnessing a live ultrasound guided abortion of a thirteen-week-old baby.
- Johnson believes that there is a lack of education on abortion and its physical and emotional ramifications.
- She thinks that feminism has done a disservice to women by trying to eliminate gender roles and encouraging women to be more like men.
- Johnson believes that women need to be educated on important topics and wants to see more action rather than just talk.
- She does not believe that abortion was meant to be used as a form of birth control and thinks that society has developed a casual attitude towards killing innocent people.
- Johnson believes that compassion is being misguided in society, with murder being seen as an act of compassion.
- She argues that there are benefits and risks to both pregnancy and childbirth, and having an abortion does not reduce the risks.
- Johnson criticizes the division in society on what motherhood and being a single woman should look like.
- She believes that abortion has not decreased abuse or violence in society but has actually led to an increase in these issues.
- Johnson criticizes the feminist liberal movement for its hypocrisy and inconsistent beliefs.
- She mentions that many women who have abortions identify as Christian and regularly attend church.
- Johnson believes that the answers to these issues are found in God and His word.

More information on this episode can be found here:

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