10/20/2023 Chelation therapy regiment and childhood development milestones

1 year ago

In the first part of the video, I describe an oral chelation therapy treatment, ingesting 1000/MG (1 gram) of calcium disodium EDTA in the morning, and Calcium (1000MG), Zinc (25mg), and Magnesium (400mg) in the evening. This is a 2 week milestone. The first attempt I paused at 2 weeks because of low normal blood pressure. So far, so good.

In the second part, I describe my growing awareness of the dangers of vaccines and how they have harmed myself and members of my family, and conversely noting the spectacular development of my daughter. To complement Steve Kirsch's work evaluating health and fitness, I think it also appropriate to survey childhood development milestones, as compared to the vaccinated.

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